What are Negative Keywords

Negative Keywords

Negative Keywords

Whenever we run ads on ads network of any particular search engines, we create a list of negative keywords on which we don’t want to show our ads. These keywords are basically called “Negative Keywords”. We call them Negative Match as well. For example if you are running an add for a book store then you probably target the audience and have used the keyword “Book Store” as keywords in your campaign list but this add will also show up to the user who is looking for “adult book store”. This is just an example. You can imagine how fast your campaign amount would be used if this “adult book store” keyword has more searches than “Book Store”. So “Adult book” or “Adult” would be the negative keyword in this situation.

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However, we use the negative keywords in paid campaigns often. It doesn’t have much effect on SEO. It is only required in SEO during building backlinks and forum postings.

How can it be helpful for a business

  • It can be helpful to keep your campaign clean and invest your money only with right potential audience.
  • You can design your budget and run campaigns for longer period of time.
  • It is also helpful to analyze which keyword might get affected because of negative keywords so you could re-frame or avoid that keyword in your add campaign.
  • Negative keywords in your ad-campaign would help you to decrease the number of “low potential” audience

How to find Negative keyword in ad-campaign

In order to find out the negative keywords, Open ads.google.com >go to the left hand side menu > click Keywords in the page menu, then choose Negative keywords along the top.

How to edit negative keyword list

  • Click on the edit icon over the right side of the negative keyword and select the pencil icon Edit.
  • Edit the list and make the changes in negative keyword list. To change your negative keyword’s match type, use the drop-down menu to select a new match type.
  • Click Save.

How to remove your negative keyword from the list

  • Check the boxes next to the negative keywords you’d like to remove.
  • Select Remove.

How to download your negative keyword

  • Select the 3-dot icon above the table.
  • Click the download button download icon.
  • Choose the download format for your report. Also, You can email report to yourself.

Also, you can follow the google guide for Negative Keyword and follow the best practices.

Do you know how to get rid of Negative Publicity? Follow the guide based on solutions to remove negative search results from Google. Keep exploring TheSEOGuy for more SEO Tricks and latest SEO Tips.

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I am a SEO strategist who loves to solve search engine optimization problems. Created TheSEOGuy with the AIM to provide quality information and case studies on Digital Marketing.

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